Saturday, October 30, 2010

Program Narrative v2

I’m at school and I have to catch a train to go home. I walk to the subway station, wait for the train hoping it’s not going to be running late. When it finally comes I hop on and try to find an empty seat, but of course there is none so I have to stand. Next couple of stops people load onto the train and it becomes very crowded. Everyone is standing so close to each other and bumping back and forth. Park Street comes and it’s time to get off the train and switch to another train. I run to the next train, and it’s the same thing, I’m stuck standing up.
At the South Station stop I get off and rise into the train station. People are running everywhere trying to catch their trains. I go into the ticket line and things slow down, well the speed of the workers does so we become impatient and antsy. The fact that the ticket booth is out in the open with everyone rushing around you doesn’t help this situation. Finally I order my ticket and notice I have a few minutes to spare. I’d like to grab a bite of food so I go into the food court and grab a cookie, and on my way to my seat I almost get clothes lined by a few people. Gosh, I wish there was a nice space to sit and relax rather than sitting in the open with people rushing around you.
            My train gets called and I go out to the platform and barely notice my surroundings, well I only noticed them because I was looking for them. I walk across a plain gray concrete slab and pass steel overhangs that protect people from the rain. What a horrible job they do anyways. There’s more people outside waiting for their train but don’t have anything that really tends to their needs except for the overhand that shields the rain. Wouldn’t it be nice if people had their own space out here on the platform too? I get on the train and my blood pressure goes down because no longer do I feel rushed from my surroundings.

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