Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Idea Map & Visual Abstract v3

Updated Thesis:
The modern world today is based on technological speed and control; therefore the visual sense has become the dominant sense. Architecture has become a race for the most aesthetic or tallest building. In the Western world we have neglected our other senses and now we feel detached and alienated from the world. Sensory architecture is the best way to slow down the world, and reconnect humans with our surroundings. “Haptic architecture promotes slowness and intimacy, appreciated and comprehended gradually as images of the body and the skin.” (Juhani Pallasmaa) Architecture that is stimulating to all or multiple senses can be fully appreciated by humans. The objection of my investigation will be to focus on creating an architecture that is not only stimulating to the eye, but also to our haptic senses. The sense of touch is a very complex sense that includes temperature, pressure, muscular, and pain. The center of my study will be based upon materiality, texture, weight, and light and shadow.

Updated Idea Map:

Updated Visual Abstract:

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