Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Generative Site Model v1 + v2

Generative Site Model - Version 1:

This model shows the zoomed in area of the Government Center subway station both above and below ground. The basswood sticks represent the vehicular or train direction of motion. The sandpaper represents the rough brick ground cover in the plaza, while the subway station itself almost disappears because it is an all brick mound. The string represents the connections between the sensory moments around the site. And the copper wire is the path of the pedestrians, singular and linear above ground but cross paths under ground but still very linear.

Generative Site Model - Version 2:

This model is more of a zoomed out site with Government Center in the middle and surrounded by Faneuil Hall, the North End, and the Boston Common. The orange string represents the major pathways taken by pedestrians either walking by, walking to, or walking from the station. The gray string is the underground transportation.

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