Sunday, October 31, 2010

Site Selection

Option #1
For my site I chose South Station in Boston, MA. My thesis is mainly about how materiality and the haptic design can promote a sense of speed. I felt that it was very important for my project to be located in a dense area that was used as a travel space used for movement. South Station is a large station that is comprised of pretty much one large space with many kiosks and tables and chairs. There is no sense of materiality or the idea of designing for the human. My goal is to create a series of intimate spaces (lounge, bar, food court, ticket booth...) within this train station, and possibly the bus terminal that will cater to the needs of humans and allow them to have a space within the crazy train station where they can relax and become aware of their surroundings.

Aerial View.

Front of South Station.

Walking in the train station off the street.

View towards the trains.

Large open waiting area.

Train platform.

Option #2
Or I was looking at Cambridgeside Galleria Mall because it is another fast paced, motion based location. My goal is also to create a series of intimate spaces (lounge, food court, store...) within the mall that will change the speed of the user.

Aerial View.

Floor Plans

Exterior of Mall.

All Three Floors.

Second Floor View.

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