Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rethinking Complex Spaces: A Humanistic Approach to Subway Architecture

Well, I can see I haven't updated this in a while and my thesis has definitely changed a lot. This past critique I've noticed that my thesis isn't so much about hapticity anymore, nor do I think it has been for a while. It was almost just a nice word that kind of stuck around that was holding me back from my other ideas. My methodology has also changed many many times during this semester and has made me look at this project in all different ways. My main problem that was holding my design back in the beginning of the semester was working within the confines of everything that was already existing in the station. I was also working too much in plan because that's how I feel most people work because it's the easiest. However, my project cannot be designed in plan, it is definitely a sectional project. Now that I've freed myself up I'm accepting the station in plan but pushing it different ways in section. I'm excited to see where it goes and hope this time my method works. Here is my updated thesis abstract:

The lack of human relationship in infrastructure architecture has caused people to feel removed from the space and not be aware of their surroundings. As one enters the station, there is a constant linear procession that one follows and tends to not pay much attention to their surroundings. In addition, the Government Center Station has many different structural systems that have been built over the years and cause congestion and chaos. I seek to simplify and rethink this confusion in a way that makes the space more clear, and naturally direct people through the space.
Architecture is not a physical space, but a lived space that is defined by different activities and the movement between them. It is a space that is meant to be experienced, rather than simply looked at or built to function. By minimizing the complexity of the space, using coherent spatial definition, maximizing natural lighting, using color and welcoming materials, and looking at the social and functional proportion requirements of the human, the space will have a stronger relationship with the users. Architect and painter, Herb Greene believes that “human scale can reflect our individual existential being. Its presence in the environment makes us feel ‘at home’ and can encourage us to interact with the environment.”
The redesign of the subway station will bring about an awareness of one’s movement through space through designing for the human. My methodology starts with studying the existing conditions of the station, and the way in which people inhabit the space. I will create a visual critique on why the existing station is a complex space that needs to be reconceptualized to allow a better relationship with the users. To further my argument that the space is too complex and not functioning as it should, I will sketch the existing mesh of structural systems. Then I will diagram the site, above ground conditions with the existing tracks and shell below ground, to take advantage of optimal spaces for light wells, vertical circulation, and main entrances. Next, the placements of the programmatic spaces will need to be determined by integrating them in with the paths through the station. These different areas will start to be defined spatially by ceilings, floors, walls, materials, and color. The proportions of the created spaces will inform me on whether the materials should provoke a warmer and more intimate space, or a more open and airy public space. To work through the materials, I will sketch the different ways to use materials to create those feelings.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Site + Program Fit

This is my proposed program for my subway station next semester. The majority of the program will be underground. The gross square footage will most likely be different than what is listed below because this does not take into account a lot of the platform space in the existing station.


Program                              Horizontal Size               Vertical Size
Ticket Machine Area            300 sq. ft                        20 ft
Storage                               400 sq. ft                        10 ft
Support Spaces                   600 sq. ft                        10 ft
Flower Shop                        200 sq. ft                        10 ft
Bakery                                200 sq. ft                        10 ft
Souvenir Shop                     200 sq. ft                        10 ft
Convenient Store                 300 sq. ft                        10 ft

Net Square Footage             2400 sq. ft
50% Multiplier
Gross Square Footage         3600 sq. ft
Site-fit Program                   5400 sq. ft


Existing Subway Station

Site-Fit #1:
Same above ground square footage as existing station just rotated to accentuate the strong linear connection with Faneuil Hall. This option with the larger square footage above ground would offer more than an entrance, it would also have plenty of space for a ticket hall.

Site-Fit #2:
Square footage was cut in half to propose 2 entrances that accentuate the strong linear connections to Faneuil Hall and with Hanover Street. The half sizes would be solely an entrance to the station with a ticket hall below ground, and would roughly be the size of the South Station subway entrance.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Generative Site Model v1 + v2

Generative Site Model - Version 1:

This model shows the zoomed in area of the Government Center subway station both above and below ground. The basswood sticks represent the vehicular or train direction of motion. The sandpaper represents the rough brick ground cover in the plaza, while the subway station itself almost disappears because it is an all brick mound. The string represents the connections between the sensory moments around the site. And the copper wire is the path of the pedestrians, singular and linear above ground but cross paths under ground but still very linear.

Generative Site Model - Version 2:

This model is more of a zoomed out site with Government Center in the middle and surrounded by Faneuil Hall, the North End, and the Boston Common. The orange string represents the major pathways taken by pedestrians either walking by, walking to, or walking from the station. The gray string is the underground transportation.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Program Diagrams v4

Updated Program:
The problem with subway stations in Boston are that they are not designed with the consideration of human senses because they are usually built to be durable. This creates a particular movement through the space, usually one that is sped up. I am proposing a subway station that will slow affect people's movement and increase their awareness of the surrounding space. Within this subway station, the majority of the programmatic spaces are circulation spaces such as escalators, stairs, elevators, and platforms.

Circulation Diagram:
This diagram shows the linear circulation through the subway station along with some spaces that create a slower type of movement.

Adjacencies Diagram:

The subway station is above and below a vast brick plaza with a few surrounding brick and concrete buildings.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Site Diagrams

Site Location:

Ground Materials:

Building Materials:


Above Ground Site Circulation:

Program on the Ground Floor:

Shadow Studies (12:00PM on Spring / Fall Equinox):

Shadow Studies (2:00PM on Summer Solstice):

Shadow Studies (12:00 PM on Winter Solstice):

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Generative Site Analysis

Procession of Movement through the Government Center Subway Station:

Materials Along the Site:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Site Analysis

The site I have chosen is the site of the Government Center subway station for the following reasons:

  • Urban setting
  • Area of high density
  • Transportation = speed & technology
  • Bland existing material palette
  • Available to the public
  • Longer / Unknown downtime