Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Program Diagrams v4

Updated Program:
The problem with subway stations in Boston are that they are not designed with the consideration of human senses because they are usually built to be durable. This creates a particular movement through the space, usually one that is sped up. I am proposing a subway station that will slow affect people's movement and increase their awareness of the surrounding space. Within this subway station, the majority of the programmatic spaces are circulation spaces such as escalators, stairs, elevators, and platforms.

Circulation Diagram:
This diagram shows the linear circulation through the subway station along with some spaces that create a slower type of movement.

Adjacencies Diagram:

The subway station is above and below a vast brick plaza with a few surrounding brick and concrete buildings.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Site Diagrams

Site Location:

Ground Materials:

Building Materials:


Above Ground Site Circulation:

Program on the Ground Floor:

Shadow Studies (12:00PM on Spring / Fall Equinox):

Shadow Studies (2:00PM on Summer Solstice):

Shadow Studies (12:00 PM on Winter Solstice):

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Generative Site Analysis

Procession of Movement through the Government Center Subway Station:

Materials Along the Site:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Site Analysis

The site I have chosen is the site of the Government Center subway station for the following reasons:

  • Urban setting
  • Area of high density
  • Transportation = speed & technology
  • Bland existing material palette
  • Available to the public
  • Longer / Unknown downtime