Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Idea Map v2

Architecture is mainly defined by it’s visual characteristics, but some of the most moving pieces of architecture are defined by all or most of the other senses too. The sensory experience within architecture can affect one’s perception of the space by the use of material textures, colors, scents, sounds, and proportions affect the way people associate with the building or space. I am aiming to create a more human architecture geared towards the proportions of humans, and an experience that uses all the senses.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Idea Map & Visual Abstract v1

My written idea map about my general thesis ideas.

Theses are images were my inspiration, along with my montages of course.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things I Can't Live Without

So for my Thesis class we are doing an assignment in which we collect photos of things we can't live without, and eventually these will tell us what it is that influences our architectural thinking.

My hot pink kangaroos! They're my favorite pair of sneakers, mostly because of the bright colors.

My oil painting of Santorini, Greece. I absolutely love love love this painting because Santorini is a place I have always wanted to go, and I finally got to go this past winter while on Study Abroad. I love the colors again, and the feel of the island itself with the white houses sprawling out on the hillside.

Okay, so apparently I have a deep love of color. I worked in a flower shop for about 4 years, and after seeing many different and gorgeous flowers, I decided gerber daisies are my favorite because of the joy they bring. But I love all flowers too.

This one might not make sense, but oh well. The best place to hang out in my house when stressed or bored is at the top of our stairs. Most times you will catch somebody lying at the top of them. It feels like you are on top of the world, and makes you forget whatever bad is going on.

"In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back."  -Charlie Brown

I love Jackson Pollock's paintings. There's something about the randomness that attracts me to it. Maybe because when I was little I used to color outside the lines so this reminds me of then. Also another reason why I like this website:

Staircases fascinate me. Any creative or fun staircase catches my attention.

This rug caught my eye when I first came across it, and inspires me to make one of my own at some point. I like how it's made from a bunch of recycled blankets.

Ballroom dancing is a great way to escape the world and connect with body and movement.

Trees seem to be in the majority of my pictures.

The smell of campfires remind me of the summer and being in Maine.

Speaking of being in Maine, this is Lovell, ME where my grandmother has a house and my family goes every year. I love the colors, sounds, and smells of that area.

I wouldn't enjoy life as much if people didn't do ridiculous little things that make everyone laugh.

Andy Goldsworthy's natural installation art is always eye catching.

Peter Zumthor has a way with incorporating the senses in architecture. I never quite understood Zumthor's architecture until I actually got to experience it.

Hand crafted and crazy jewelry.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sectional Montages v2


An area that is sealed off with an artificial or natural barrier.
-Light and shadow


The action of moving forward in such a way.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sectional Montages v1

Original Enclosure Montage:

Sectional Montage:

Original Procession Montage:

Sectional Montage:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010